Founder C.D. (Toby) Tyler began preaching the gospel to the lost and ministering in local churches at the age of 17. He has traveled as an evangelist, founder of Victory World Outreach Center, presently pastor of Victory World Missions Intl. Ministries, and he travels to the nations teaching and preaching crusades, Bible Colleges, and local churches. The vision grew and the name Victory World Missions International Ministries came out of the vision for the nations.

Statement Of Faith
- Bible is the Inspired Word Of God.
- There is one God existent in one person: the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
- The Deity of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
- The blessed hope of the church, and the second coming of Christ.
- Salvation through the blood, the finished work of Christ on the cross.
- Regeneration through the work of the Holy Spirit.
- Sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit to live a Holy Life.
- The baptism in the Holy Spirit, gives to believers who ask of the Lord.
- Resurrection of the saved and the lost, one to everlasting life, the other to everlasting damnation.
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